Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)

nEKO EVENING GAZETTE PAGE THRES WEDNESDAY, MAY in the drier portions- the and are doing well. TWELVE IRISH GRANTS BOARD GERMAN AFRICA In the northeastern corner of the territory, which is in the tropics, the REPARATION PUZZLE NE1W PROJECT PANAMA, WHERE SEEMS NO NEARER DIRECTORS OPPOSE EAST MEETS WEST conduct of agriculture is possible. Cotton, tobacco and cereals may be grown. SOLDIERS KILLED PARDONS PROSPECTS PAROLES HAS Even the strip of sand 1 along the coast has proved in one place to be 1 spectacularly valuable. Diamonds were discovered in the sand by railroad workmen in 1908 and the coun TvrTOT.TW.

Mav 4. Twelve TrlsH vol TRUCKEE PLAN Special to the Gazette The former Germata Southwest Af SOLUTION try now produces approximately one- CARSON, May 4. Action had been fifth of the worjd's output of diamonds. In 1914 the value of -the diamonds from unteers were either killed or wounded and one military officer was severely wounded as a result, accordin gto an nftMal ronorfc todav. of a trin hv a rica, details of whose government nn-der a mandate to the Union of Soutn Africa have just been formulated by this field reached $45,000,000.

It Is be party from a border regiment to in- lieved that thegems have been washed up from the sea, and. what is perhaps taken on practically all applications for pardons' and paroles submitted to the state board of pardons and parole commissioners when' "the board ad-journeJl after today's hearing. A total of seventy-six 'applications had been the onlv 'sea-going diamond mining the League of Nations, is the subject ofthe following bulletin issued from the Washington, D. C. headquarters of the National Geographic Society: company in existence has been form ed to dredge for the precious stenes off the shore.

made for pardon or parole. Paroles have been granted at the its worst tne territory wnicn was German Southwest Africa before the Woild War and Germany's first ven "Copper is mined in several places present session of the board to Roy vestigate an arauusn wnicn occurrea yesterday at Tourmakaday, County Mjtj IrCwJiA." -UTfrijxnriAjLrijri-nru-u-ij dence in 1903J- Geographically it is a part of Central America, but It has been left out of the recently formed Union of. Central America. This isolation is no doubt due in large part to of the canal under United ownership extending through Panama territory. Craig, Washoe county, fradulent and forms one of the principal exports.

Railroads connect the mines with-ihe ture into the colonial neia migm uu described as a country too dry for agriculture, lying between a desert and tha sa with one of the most bArren coast and have been built, to a num check; Ed. Ferre, Clark, swindling; Charles George, Washoe, second degree burglary: A Hoffman, Eureks ber of other sections of the couqC and desolate coast lines in the world. The Germans built well. Their mrning plants and railroad systems in South "The little republic is shaped like a section of waving ribbon or of a west Africa, as well as in their other African colonies, have been said to be the best on the continent. In some of sauirming snake.

It is thirty-one miles The entire coast, for a distance' or ten to fifteen miles inland, consists of sand dunes on whieh" grows only the spars est of desert vegetation." 1 "No perennial rivers flow into the sea across this dreary waste through-m, th nenriv 1000 miles of its extent. across at its narrowest point and the. copper mining regions of South not much over fifty miles wide west Africa smelting was done by TVASHINGTON 4. The possibility that the influence of the United States in reparations settlements with Germany has not ended with the dispatch night's communication, returning the counter- proposals to Berlin, wad seen today In the invitation of the Allied supreme council to have American representatives among Its members as well as ojx the reparations commission council of ambassadors. U.

S. and Supreme Council An official statement of the American position is expected when the invitation is formally received here. In some administration quarters today doubt was expressed that the United States would consent to formal representation on the 'supreme council, but It was suggested that it was possible that an unofficial observer would be named to sit in at the sessions, as the United States is vitally interested in the reparations settlement. Blockade Proposal State department officers said today that the only information they had regarding proposals under consideration by the supreme council for a blockade of Germany was that obtained from dispatches from London. They Interpreted these to mean that the Allies would undertake "German Southwest Africa had an The directors of the Newlands irrigation -project are wholly opposed to the of the Truckee's flood waters, by auxiliary mountain storage and are of the opinion that in addition to Lake Tahoe the Spanish Springs reservoir will be sufficient for all storage-purposes along tne liver, according to the i report received from the project directors today.

The complete report also shows that the project directors made no comment whatever upon the suggestion from tnis community that lands north and northeast of teno be included within the project. The project directors, in their report, show the tabulations made by the Reno Chamber of Comerce upon possible mountain storage and water requirements units, in the Newlands project, and In opposition to this cite certain tabulations made by D. C. Henny, a government engineer, which do not wholly agree with the calculations made by the Reno organization. The project directors also claim that Lake Tahoe and the proposed SManish Springs reservoir will storex more water than runs off annually in the Truckee river and that consequently additional storage reservoirs are not 'Furthermore, they say, water could not be practically stored in Weber and Independence lakes, Dog Valley, Henes Valley and at other such sites because they ana 9hn thn.

various electric DlantS throughout most of its 450 miles of length. It is about the size of South Carolina. The greater part of the Atlantic side- of the isthmus is occupied bv iuneies. The population is between area of 322,000 square -miles about the size of Texas, Arkansas and Connecti second degree burglary; W. A.

Jacks, Elko, obtaining property under false pretenses; B. E. Kuhl. Elko, commutation of sentence for first degree murder; V. LaSerre, Clark, swindling; M.

Lopez, Ormsby, forgery N. Meyer, Elko, burglary; Jack Steele, Washoe, manslaughter; Kieth Watson, Lyon, forgery; J. J. Williams, Nye Clarence Wilson, Eureka, second degree burglary; Theodore Witts, Washoe, grand larceny, continued until next session; L. Schwann, Washoe, robbery; R.

L. Warner, Lyon, grand larceny, paroled when minimum of one year has-been served; J. W. Eastman, Eureka, gratML. Pardons-have been granledto Jack Davis, John Dillon, W.

E. Davis ariol William Stark. cut combined. It was one and a half Except for brief periods after heavy rains in the interior, all the seaward drainage of the country loses itself in a wilderness of sand. Similarly, much of the drainage to the east and south sinks into the desert that separates German Southwest Africa from the British territories lying to the west of 'a third and a half of a million.

Someti times the size of pre-war, Germany. In the vast area there was never a population. After a number of years of war with natives there were, im mediately preceding the World War, something less than 100,000 natives and the Transvaal. "Only one reasonably good port ex-iHta inner the mast between the north pure Indians occupy, the central mountains and a part of the Atlantic coast toward South America. There is a large negro element in the population.

The remainder are of Spanish extraction and of mixed blod. The majority of the more -civilized and progressive inhabitants live on the Pacific side of the island, and are concentrated noticeably in the western end toward ttie Costa Rican bord- about 15,000 Europeans. About 12,000 of the latter were Germans, many jf and south limits of the territory. And iaWaifiah Rav with a small area mem suiaiers. "The country was occupied by the around it, was ha the hands of Great forces of the Union of South Africa in left the country after the armistice.

Several thousand British subjects. Including a number of Boers, have mov- July, 1915 and has been administered Since the cession of the Canal Britain before the Germans estaDiisnea their colony in 1884. The existenceof this tiny island of British territory in Hprman Southwest Africa, and above er. since as a protectorate of that govern nne tn the United States. Panama has ied irT." i ea jn.

ment. Approximately 6000 Germans WWWWNWNNWWWW no blockade without the approval of the United States. Comment on this question also. withheld but it is had no army but has depended solely on its national police force." all the fact that it comprised the one port, sorely needed by the colony, was unaersiooa inawtne unueu Biaiesi tne Truckee river and theiruse PT i a i would look with disfavor on such a MrnnTil lArttr ttri Aiatnrtw rn ciirH a for summer storage would only cause a sharp thorn in the smes oi tne Germans. The artificial harbors constructed by the Germans at Swakopmund, at nnrtli rf Walfish Rav.

and at JLu- deritzbucht (Angra Pequena), 200 miles tn the smith were onlv makeshifts. "But there is a somewhat brighter side to the old uerman ssoumwesi ai-ripA than that seen when one sails At the fourteenth motor exhibition recently held at the Olympia, in London, more than eighty types of automobiles were listed by the British. The United States was second with forty-one cars. France has twenty-six exhibits, the Italians ten and the Belgians, Dutch and Swiss one each. America had the distinction of showing the lowest priced automobile.

The prison population of the Middle and S6uthwestern United States re-creased 12.4 per cent in the last six years. This falling off in prison population of this section is equivalent to more than the combined prisoners of Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin and North along its forbidding coast. Back of the strip of sand is an upland country The Republic of Panama, which is described in newsN dispatches as still experiencing' strained relations the neighboring republic of Costa Rica over its boundary, is the subject of the following bulletin issued by National Geographic Society: "The Isthmus of Panama, which now almost exactly corresponds to the Republic of Panama, has probably had as many thrills to the square foot as any other section of tiie earth of similar size. They have ranged from the ignoble to the noble, from the drunkenf debaucheries of bloodthirsty pirates a3 they: 'sacked the prosperous cities -of the country to the feelings of Balboa as he stood, the first white man to view the waters of the Pacific, and those of the American engineers who saw the completion of the world's greatest engineering feat. And through it all large tracts of the little country have remained much as they were when Columbus first set foot there in ano happy to find a part of a real continent after seemingly interminable islands, named it 'Terra "Panama perpetrates one of the greatest of geographic jokes on those who visit it.

It very convincingly makes east west. From Panama City the sun rises out of the Pacific, which to most American minds is the proper place for setting suns. And he who sails through the canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific travels not from east to west as he naturally expects to do, but from west to east, or more accurately, from northwest to southeast. One gets the impression, as one writer has phrased it, Aat 'there is something crooked about The crookedness is found to be in the isthmus which runs predominantly east and west instead of north and south, and in addition makes a double curve like the letter so that at one place the Atlantic waters are actually west of those of the Pacific. "It may seem a far cry from the lay of the land at Panama to the South Sea, but because of the east and west trend of the isthmus the popular name for that huge, island -dotted ocean has largely taken the place of the more nearly correct, 'South When Balboa stood on an isthmian mountain crest in 1513 and discovered the great ocean, stretching off to the southward he naturally named it 'El Mar del Sur" -The South Sea.

A few days later when he had won his way to the newly discovered ocean he waded into it and made the singularly modest claims for the King of Spain to sovereignty over the sea and all lands and islands bordering on it, 'from pole to pole, till judgment day. "Since a few years after Balboa's discovery the Isthmus of Panama for a long- time called Darien has been the gateway for commerce between tha East and the West and between Pacific South America and Europe. The old city Of Panama was founded as the entry port on the Pacific side in 1518, more than a hundred years before the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts. Portobello, known to all readers of pirate tales, was the Atlantic port, and between them was constructed a paved trail. At the height of Spanish colonial power gold and silver from Peru were carted across this old trail like cord-wood.

"Such great wealth was an irrestible attraction to. the buccaneers-who infested the Carribbean. Time after time they swooped down on- the isthmus-from their strange island commonwealth near Haiti. Old Panama was entirely destroyed in 1671 by such an expedition under the leadership of the notorious. Henry Morgan, later Sir Henry.

On other occasions, Portobello, in spite if its formidable fortifications, was taken, and even occupied by the pirates as a base for months at a time. One of the forts of Portobello, useless in the village to which the onetime jpulent port has shrunk, was demolished druing the building of the Panama Canal and its stones crushed to make material for concrete, "Politically the Republic of Panama is a thing apart. It was formerly a state of the Republic of Columbia, in which, though it will not support agri-nnihiro is well suited to stock raising Hundreds of thousands of cattle, sheep and goats are raised there. itancnes like those in the Old of the United States, averaging about 25,000 acres. Camels and South Dakota in 1914.

were imnorted rm a ns ipr tjb Studebaker is a Record Car, not only PERFORMANCE, SPEED, POWER and LOW FUEL CONSUMPTION, a further drain upon the waters of Lake Tahoe to maintain a sufficient water tflow for such electric stations. Tine report quotes a report written by L. H. Taylor a number of years ago to the effect that Webber lake is not practical for storage and says that Donner Lake likewise could not be used to advantage on account of conflicting riparian rights. In concluding the project directors say: "The Warm Springs valley unit, a-side from impractical storage proposed would undoubtedly be very expensive on account of the long canal in very difficult location, which would also very materially increase the cost of the, Spanish Springs reservoir and occasion serious complications due to taking the combination Spanish Springs feed canal and Warm Springs Supply canal out of the Truckee river above the various power plants would have to be supplied to the loss of storage water.

"It seems that the only wide difference in policy proposed by the recommendations, from the-reclamation service sclieme with Spanish Springs is the substitution of the Warm Springs valley unit of 28,000 acres for the Lovelock branch unit of 20,000 acres. This means it is considered more practical to construct. the upper Truckee reservoir and a very much higher and longer canal to supply Spanish Springs and Warm Springs Valleys than is contemplated by the reclamation service to build the comparatively small Lovelock branch canal. Tn nroduce the body' of a murdered so in sales. but al The on Big Millinery Sale is now in full 'swing procedure if American commerce with Germany was to be interfered with in any way.

Financial Separated LONDOlf, May 4. (By Associated Press) The Allied governments' financial plan for Germany, which seemed to be a completed document yesterday, was being separated today by members of the reparations commission into two-' One of these is the purely legal portion, conforming, the treaty of Versailles, while, the other chiefly relates to the guarantee bonds, which -it is planned to issue as security for the Germap payment, and the rates of Interest upon 1 these securities, these questions being outside the provisions of the treaty. Bill of Liabilities V- IU is not possible to determine yet precisely what specifications will be presented to Germany, but according to present intentions the reparations commission will send to the German government on, Friday a bill of liabilities, strictly in compliance1 with the peace treaty; while simultaneously the Allied-governments will send another part1 of the plan, as a modification of the treaty favorable to Germany and which she can accept oi not. It was explained today that what was being studied now- were questions of form rather than of essen-:" German Cabinet Meets BERLIN. May 4.

(By the Associated Press) The German cabinet met thie forenoon In anticipation at discussing, developments at London. A meeting was held yesterday but no action was taken relative to the reparations problem. While the German government wu not unprepared for the answer contained in the American state 'department's reply to Foreign Minister Simons, both the foreign minister and his colleagues in' the cabinet had hoped that Secretary answer would be a trifle more precise in indicating the American interpretation of "clear. definite and adequate proposals." To this extent the American answer left the. cabinet in a confused state of mind, it was stated.

"We are not clear in our minds just what the United States government mean in- connection with its suggestion that we make direct proposals," a cabinet 'official declared. "For instance, it is obviously difficult for us to make-clear and definite proposals because for one thing, we are dependent upon a multitude of economic factors which we do not control. This is one of the reasons why we suggested the installation of a commission of experts to pass on our pro-; ductive "We would have welcomed most More Studebaker cars were, sold in Northern California than any competing car selling for more than One Thousand Dollars. 1 See the large number of new Studebaker automobiles in the hands of owners in Reno. This alone should convince you that Studebaker js the best automobile value on the market today.

You can buy a Studebaker Light Six for the price you would pay for some fours. No one who has ever driven a six-cylinder automobile has ever gone back to a "four" and remained satisfied. You owe it to yourself to see the Studebaker and ride in it before buying an automobile. "Beautiful in Design" "Thoroughly Modern" "Mechanically Right" "This Is a Studebaker Year" STEINHEIMER BROS. FOURTH STREET, AT SIERRA Studebaker Automobiles Acme Trucks Goodyear Tires All Kinds of Coal Our two floors are crowded with the very latest in HATS and Millinery Supjtfies at Jobber's Prices.

man in court as evidence, a Canadian Northwest Mounted Police- officer "mushed" by dog team 400 'miles south to the nearest justice's court 'on the Slave river, producing-the body at the trial of the who was captured deep in the Northwest wilderness. Phonographs operated toy compressed air keep the throngs moving in the underground tubes of London. The instruments are, equipped with sound The records last about a week and contain such messages as "Keep Moving, Please, and "Pass to the Left." on our Entire Stock heartily any; positive suggestion from Washington and would have been equally anxious to 'carry it out." r-DU- FjM.njg Indepen- You are invited to inspect our immense assortment. Hats made and trimmed to order. Two Floors of Millinery.

fs "A DELICIOUS JOKE ON THE WHOLE MALE SEX" "What Every Woman Knows" RIALT0 SUNDAY HAT WORKS TOPS FOR TOTS The Vonder Milliner btill like 111 EAST 2ND ST. Oyerland-4 Bumpers Opposite Odd Fellows Bldg. it-more Both for Rear and. Front with Brackets Complete .50 and Phone 7 more Special SUPER STEP CUT ECCENTRIC PISTON RINGS TOMORROW i We Carry a Complete Assortment of Sizes WE WILL TAKE YOU anywhere you wish to go, be it to the railroad station or to- the place where you are to spend a week end. No mat- ter sort of traveling you propose to do our auto livery service is at your A phone call will bring a car i to you promptly, day or night.

One Passenger 50c Two Passengers, 25c Each Three Passengers, 25c Each STAR TAXI TRANSFER CO. 225 North Virginia Street PHONE 7 From the first taste to the last you'll like RENO GARAGE Front and Center Sts. Phone 853 the flavor of Folger's Golden Gate Coffee. -And it will grow on you. The more you drink it, the more you will appreciate its uniform smoothness and richness.

s.l rv-i I111850 they liked Jf 5-' iial -a 4 ammmBmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBBesrs5SFZKE2ZBz The Lady Who Bakes the ad Compare HONEY LAKE HIGH PAT ENT8fl; any flour at any price. We will rely on your judgment, Yours for "Better Bread" LASSEN GRAIN MILLING CO. C. W.PIEECE, Distributor jcjipcna tiij auLuuiug sua viae uic selecting, blending and roasting of thii ''always coffee. You will do yourself a favor if you ask your grocer to send FoIgerVGoldcn Gate Coffee in the vacuum-packed tin.

"Diffcrcntin taste from other coffee TO SEE BETTER, WER GLASSES DR. VICTOR W. POULSEN onrlUtM" -I yf Optometrist and Optician cwith R. Hen 4. Bro, Jewelers RENO, NEVADA You'll like it more and mote.

Ask your grocer for it. A. FOLGER CO. Son Franaxo Seattle Kansas City Dallas Sbizttokd, Japan if nnrrnn-'r-fXJW-nw FOLGER'S Transact Your Banking Business With THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF RENO Where safety is guaranteed by' United 'States Government supervision and membership in the Federal Reserve System. Prompt and courteous attention given to business whether transacted in person or by letter.


Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.