Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)


Liuian t-proul. Station H. Clave-an. Ohio. Wmi EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES j.ETER'd.

The Ciotnrer. Free employment afflce, 22 B. Commercial now. Jistr CUN1FFS lMjfLAJJMEJSr AGENCY 4B E. Commercial Row.

All classes of help furnished. Phona S04. 122tl FKANCOVlOH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY furnishes skilled and unskilled labor on short notice- Wire or phone at my expense. Sam Francovich, 16-18 E. Commercial Row.

j30tf Quotations on the San Francisco exchange furnished daily over leased wire of smith Amann, Ban Francisco, Reno and Tonopah brokers. DIVIDE Tonopah Divide 500, 700, $1.80, (S-10); 600, 200, $1.80. $1.87. (S-10); 600, $1.85, S-10); 100, 200, 100, 300, $1.80, (S-5); 3400, 500, $1.95, (S-10); 100, $2.02. Brougher 11,800.

13c; 5000, 14c. Rosetta 1000 lc. Gold Zone 4000, 20c; 7500, 21c. Alto 5000, 5c. Divide Ex.

3300, 40c; 1600, 41c; 5500, 42c; 3300, 43c. Silver 1000, 2c. East Divide 2000, 2c. Dividend 11,800, 8c; 3000, 8c, (B-30). Silver King 1000, 2c.

Belcher Ex. 10,000, 7c Victory 31,000, 11c; 4000, 12c. Smugglr 150O, lc. Thomson 12,000, 3c. Revert 1000, 8c (B-30); 2000, 7c.

Hasbrouck 1600, 7c. Ben Hur 5000, 2c. Chariot 1000, lc. Mvra. 2000, 5c.

High Dividt; 3000. 2c Divide Con. 7000, 2c. Western 1000, lc. Florence 41,000.

6c. Divide City 2t00, 2c. Hercules 5000, lc. 1 I Kernick 9000, 5c. TONOPAH Cash Boy, 5000, 6c.

Midway 1500, 10c. Monarch Pittsburg 12,000, 5c. North Star 3000, 4c; 2000, 3c West End 200, 500. $1.60. Crescent 1000, 16c; 1000, 15c.

GOLDF1ELD Comb. Fraction 1000, 3c. Cracker Jack 10,000, 13c; 1000, 12c. Grandma 1000, 2c. Great: Bend 2000, 2c.

Lone Star 2000, f.c; 2000, 4c. Red Hills 2000, 3c. Silver Pick 3000, 9c. Spearhead 10,000, 4e. -Development -4000, 8c; 5000, 9, (B-30).

MISCELLANEOUS White Caps 2000, 11c Como 2000, 60c; 3000, 61c, (B-30). Concordia 4000, 17c; 3500, 18c; 3000 19c Comstock Silver 30c; 500, 31c. Mayflower 5000, lc. Nevada Hills 3000, lc. Ophir 1200, '35c; 600, 36c.

Mexican 500, 20c Best Belcher 400, 11c. Union 130Q, 17c. Sterling; 3jO0, 8c. Holly 1000. 2500, 500, 1000.

500, $1.40, (B-10); 1000, $1.40. Simon 400, 1500, 100, $1.67. Bullwhacker 8800, 45c; 5000 47c; 500, 48c; 2000, 49c; 1000, 50c. Arrowhead 1000, 10c. Croesus 200, 300, $1.15, (B-30); 800, $1.17, (B-30); 300, $1.10.

MARSHALL SUPPORTS CHURCH MOVEMENT WASHINGTON, May 3. Vice-President Marshall, speaking with Sir Auckland Geddes, the. British ambassador, at an Interchurch world movement, mass meeting, declared tha work must prove its Work by its fait'i, nnd that it, "is idle to legislate for puriety if the priest, above his book, is to leer at his en.ighbor's wife." "It is vain to enact laws punishing murder," the vice-president added, "if the elders are to continue working little children to death. It. is useless to forbid larceny if the deacons make large church contributions out of an excess profits wrung Jointly from labor and the ultimate consumer.

"Wake, Zion, and if you really be lieve in the communion, of Che saints prove it by consistent conduct Mr. Marshall said. "This is1 no holier than thou message. I am a sinner." Sir Auckland expressed beliefs that the church had not kept peace with the industrial revolution of the last century and that religion on wiich civilization is based, had been forgotten in the great cities. "The material of the city today," the ambassador declared, "is the milestone around the neck of democracy, which is dragging democracy down and making it possible for a determined minority, through blac kmail or corruption, to compel people to agree to vote for thngs they do not want.

That way lies destruction, and disaster and tte loss of all freedom that the centuries have won." Proposal of a forced loan has been made in Ftance. to lin uidn.tft war mt9 by which every Frenchman possessing capnai 01 more than 50,000 francs) nou 1 be reg in red to subscribe SUMMONS Action for Separation SUPREME KINGS COUNTY MAURICE A. LIPPMANN, Plaintiff, Against CLAT'DIA A To the above named defendant: 1 ou are hereby summoned to answer the in thia aiiin- wvil. OliU JSC I VC a copy of your answer on the plaintiff's anoinejs wunin twenty days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to ipprar ur answer, juagment will be taken vnn hv Hofniii fm. 1.

1 manded in the complaint UA El April 26th, De WALTOFF NACMAN, Plaintiffs Aiiunieys, unice ana 1'ost Office Ad-. dress. No. 44 Court Street, -Brooklyn. New York.

To Claudia Lippmann: Thf rMrni ni- mimmnno le eorvA1 i.nnn vni 1 rnhlirnHnn nnroiiant an of the Hop. David F. Manning, a justice Hie supreme 01 me iate or xsew York, dated the 27th day of April, 1920. and filed with the complaint in the office the Court House, in Oie Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, City and State of New York.

r. i DATED Brooklyn, N. April 28th, 1920. De WALTOFF NACMAN. Attorneys ruiiiiuii.

vjiiiuj ana x-osl vjince Au-; dress. No. 44 Court Street. Borough of Citv nf Naut Ynrlr WM. H.

SHELDON, Attorney at Law, Reno. Nevada. May 3-10-17-24-31; J7-14 R. G. GLOVER GLOVER MINING STOCKS PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR.

A. R. DA COSTA Surgery and Diseases of Women Fordonia Bldg. Hours 11 to 12 and 2 to 5 Res. Frandsen Apts.


Ross The Perkins-Gulling Company FUNERAL- DIRECTORS Attendant Nlcht or Day 242 lsrr L. Kteiwo- Qh9 23 N. P. MORGAN F. RAFFETT0 ATTORNEYS AT LAW ISO N.

Virginia St. Phone 799 RENO. NEVADA PHONE 573 M. NEWHAM PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC DUPLICATOR (Evenings by Appointment) 407 Clay Peters Building Reny, Nevada Donald A. Rothrock, LL.




Branch Offices: Mtna. and Madeline. Cat. Ideal Beauty Shop Leading Beauty Culture Shop in Nevada WE SPECIALIZE IN Mask 0' Uth Facial Treatments AND Hair A Gain Shampoo MANICURING, AIRDRESSINQ, MARCELL WAVING, HAIR GOODS AND NOVELTY JEWELRY A. L.

Morrill. Prop. Phone 1818 P. A. McCarran Gray Mashbura A.

Grant Miller McCarran, Miller Mashburt ATTORN EY8-AT-LAW RENO, NEVADA Practice In all Court DR. J. F. PETRITSCH Nervous, Spinal and Chronic Diseases Room 4-5 Thoma-Bigelow Bldg. Phone 523 Res.

17t1 HARRISON CLARK Attorney and Counselor at Law Member of the Nevada and the New York Bar 409-12 Clay Peters Building Telephone 1546-W Rpno, Nev. Anderson's Manitou Baths 302 I. O. O. F.

BLDG. Sweedish Massage Electric Treatments Turkish Electrio Sweats Reducing Treatments PHONE 320 FOR APPOINTMENT Res. Phone 560 GASHO GLASSES GROESBECK FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Pnona 220 Wert Second CL H. L. BELLAM Copper or Gold and Silver of um sample 1.00, Mailing Envelopes Sent on RequssL p.

Q. Box 689. -M) Lake Reno. Nf Office Phone, Main 612. Notary Public.

Res. Phone 1707-J. J. E. McNAMARA LAWYER 313-314 Clay Peters Reno, Nev.

J.WONG CHINESE HERBS SPECIALIST CONSULTATION FREE 833 N. VIRGINIA STREET Reno. Nevada Phon 1t1- Practice In all Courts In California an Nevada H. W. HUSKEY Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law 15 West Second Street Phona Main 478 Reno.

Nevds Louis J. Cohn, Land Attorney EX-REGISTEf U. S. LAND OFFICi Practices before all U. 8.

Land Do partmenta. classes of Land scrip furnished. 203 Clay Peters Bids, Reno Nev. Edward C. Galsgie, M.


VICKERS CONSULTING SURGEON Office Thoma-Bigelow Bldg. Houre 1 to 3 p. m. Except 8undey Roberts, Affleck Deady Counsellors and Attorneys at Law Offices 305-306-307-308 Odd Fellows Building, Reno, Nev. Phono Main 354 Branch Offices: Lovelock 71 Virginia City PLATT SANF0RD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW RFNO a CAftSOM FRAME HACKER J.

M. Frams W. L. Hacker Attorneys 'at Law Rooms 405'2, 406, 407 Clay Peters Bldg. Reno, Ney Fractico in all Courts PRINCESS' DEATH STOCKHOLM, May 3.

The entire nation has been' plunged into mourning by the, death of Crown Princess Gus-tave AdolDh of Sweden, daughter of the Duke of Connaught, Saturday. King Gustave, who was in Nice, and Queen Victoria, who had just arrived at the bedside of her sick mother in Baden, have been notified and are returning for the funeral. The officila report of the physicians who attended the Crown Princess gives the cause of death as' general blood poisoning or pyemis. She had suffered from inflammation of the ear which necessitated an operation last December. Last Friday morning erysipelas de veloped around the right ear but tho crown princess still appeared in no danger.

The crown princess was able to be up Saturday morning but suffered a sudden change for the worse, and died within a few hours. Weakness of the heart, augmented by the crown princess' expectant motherhood, was given as the contributing cause of her death. King Is Notified NICK, May King Gustave received the message yesterday afternoon, notifying him of the death of the crown princess. He left for Stockholm immediately. r.

During the last six months of 1919, the Bureau of Internal Revenue discovered. 295,977 delinquent taxpayers and collected $19,051,238 in delinquent taxes and itenalties. Discovry of a serum to prevent hog chalera, and its use as shown by the Department of. Agriculture, 'has reduced losses from that disease by a year. LIVE STOCK AT CHICAGO CHICAGO, May 3.

Cattle Receipts 17,000 head; steers mostly steady; heavy slow; balk early top she stock strong to "higher; calves slow to lower with best vealers $12.00 12.50; stockers and feeders strong to 25c higher; the former gaining most. Hogs Rcefpts 45,000 head; market light and light butchers steady to 10c higher; top heavy slow; mostly 10c to 15c lower; with bulk ll.00ii 15.50; 250 ponders and up $13.75 14.50. Sheep Receipts IS, 000; market slow and steady to strong; several loads choice ftandyweight shorn lambs $18.00 bulk wool lambs $20.50 20.75. IN SAN FRANCISCO. Yesterday's live stock quotations In San Francisco were; Cattle Grass steers, No.

1, weighing 1000 to 1200 lbs. ll12c; do. 1200 to 1400 lbs. 1010c; do, second quality, 89c; thin, 67c. Bulls and stags Good, 67c; fair, 506c; thing 45c Cows and -heifers No.

1, 99c; second quality, 8Sc; common to thin, 45c. Calves Light weight. 12 12 Vie; medium 91610c; heavy, 79c. Hogs Weighing 100 to 150 lbs. 150 to 225 lbs.

16c; 225 to 300 164c; 300 to 350 15c. Lambs Yearlings, 1313c; milk, 1516c I AT RENO Steers, No. 1, 1010VjC Cows, No. 1 7Vi8c Heifers, No. 1, S8c Bulls, 45c.

Ewes, 9c. Wethers Lambs, 13Jc Dressed Prime fat steers, 19 20c; prime fat cows, prime fat heifers veal 2224c. Dressed mutton Lambs 28c; wethers 2122c; ewes 2324c. Dressed bogs, 23624. Hogs 100-150, 144c; 160-225.

14 3-4; 225-300, 30O-400. 1314c BUTTER AND EGGS. Wholesaler's selling price at San Francisco, furnished dally by Nevada poking Company: Butter E64c Eggs (select) 46c Eggs (pullet) 4iy2c (To Baa quotations add as follows to obtain Reno wholesalers' selling price: eggs flat San Francisco quota-tatlons for their respective grades, butter, 22c In 60-lb. lots or more; less than 60-lb lots, 23c. Reno wholesalers' buy-in gprices of eggs same as san Francisco quotations less 8 per cent.

Buying price based On day of delivery at Reno. Selling price based on day of shipment.) Keno wholesale prices: Furnished daily by Mutual Creamery Company. Selling price Butter 58c59c; select eggs, 47c; pullet eggs 42c; cheese. 84c Buying prices Select eggs 43c; pullet eggs 38c. POTATOES AT CHICAGO CHICAGO, May 3.

Potatoes steady; receipts 45 cars; northern round white backed and bulk Minnesota and Wisconsin mixed new Florida, Spalding Rose No. 1, $23.00 barrel; No. 2, $20.00. CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAGO, May 3. Butter steady; creamery 4661c.

Eggs lower; receipts 44,188 cases; firsts 41i)42c; ordinary firsts 38 39c; at mark, cases included, 3941c. Poultry alive steady; springs 36c; fowls 45 VtC GRAIN AND PROVISIONS CHICAGO, May 3. Close: Corn May 1.79; July 1.681,4. Oats May 90: Sept. 77.

Pork May 35.00; July 36.55. Iird May 19.82; July 20.G2. Ribs May 17.40; July 18.40. WALL1 STREET UNDER PRESSURE NEW YORK, May 3. Stocks were under further professional pressure during the greater part of today's session, but recovered much of their losses when money rates eased.

Sales approximated 1,050,000 shares. -4 GRAIN ANDPROVISIONS CHICAGO, May 1. Close: Corn May 1.75 5-8; July 165 3-8. Oats May 89 3-8; Sept. 75 3-4.

Pork May 35.00; July 36.65. Lard May 19.80: Julv 20.55." Ribs Mav 17.50; Julv 18.4n. PROFESSIONAL CARDS NEW IDEAS IN ART, Free Hand Oils, Pastel, Water Color. Pen and Ink, Crayon Portrait Work and Carving, Novelty Work Party linvitation Cards Dinner Place Cards Painting Lessons Carving Lessons GRACE HUGUENIN HILL Room 26. Home Hotel Chiropractic R.

A. D. C. Palmer School Graduate Tel. 1200 17 E.

2nd St. C. A. BRAIDER BRAIDER after thorough Investigation RENO. NEVADA RATES One time 2c a word Two times 3c a word Three times 4c a word Seven times 5c a word Two weeks 8c a word By the 'month 13c a word (No classified advertisem*nt accepted for tess than 25 cents.) Advertisers may have replies addressed to a private box in care of the Gazette.

PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE GAZETTE PHONE 311 Before 2 p. m. and vour wants will be made known to our readers the same day, HELP WANTED MALE MUMKKsJ VVANTKD Only lust class min-ers five doilaia per day; Apply at HC. Shaft, Virginia Ctty. Nevada.

IliK RV.J) r.fVEK LUMiiEK CO. wants carpenters for bridge and flume work also needs men for planing mill, shipping, factory, green chain und common labor. Kinpioymcrit office, I'loneer Hotel. W. S.

itheese, Agent. No tee. Fare aJvanced. a9tf WANTED Two hiKh ciass stock salesmen Kood commission. Address jt O.

liox 2 3-10. Tonopah, Nevada or Black In.irnond Oil ninl Gas Company, maylt? hLifM W.A.N '1 ED to Bell a line that is in demand. A money maker tor nun purchaser. Address Cap-l al City Nursery Salem, Oregon. 1 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman for cookiDK and some nousewoiK.

call morning 442 Flint St. azutl'w wAiMttu waitresses. Apply Head waitress. Riverside Hotel. a26t7 A 1 1 Capable Kil or woman for cooking and house work.

303 Hill St Apartment a2Stf WAN'TED Woman to t.ike care of invalid old l.uly, Scandinavian preferred. Call forenoon or evening. .46 W. 10th St. I'lione nVK'i HELL' WN'J ED FEMALE Girl for soda fountain.

Call Wilson's Drug Store. maltf HELP WANTED WANTED First class waitress or wait-er. Goirlen Grill. m2fitf VVA.NM'Ei Ciirl or woman to assist with general housework. Gazette Box 201.

a2itf SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE STENOGKAPHElt will do your work reasonably and neatly at 4ol Clay Vetevs rtuildinn. n26t7 COMPETENT woman cook with child of fivo years wishes position; prefer ranch wjrk. Can furnish good references. Kov 214. aM7 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AUTO SALESMAN, manager, clerk arid chauffeur.

Young man with excellent experience desires permanent position. P. O. 4X2. al4mlst tract.

-Carienter work by day or Gazette Hox iln. WANTED WANTED Painting and tinting, $4.00 a room up. Jones, Golden Eagle Hotel. m2tftml WANTED to rer.t, five or six room furnished house. Permanent.

Gazette Box tOT. a L'6t7 WANTED to rent, unfurnished house. Phone 1115. aueti WANTED to rent, small furnished cottage with batii. No children.

Gazette i-'IO a27t7 LADY wants small furnished apartment near Fifth-Nevada. Gazette Box 212 i a28t7 WANTED to buy, four or five room house. Ph4'ie 15S0-M afternoons. a28t7 WANTED Small children to care for. Phone 1SC0-K, 63H HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOlt KENT Cottage, 441 N.

al2tf Ftit KENT one room furnished cabtns Phone 464. a22tf VOW KENT Three room furnished apartment. Tnciuiro 462 Evans Ave. Phone 1610-M. a29t2 ED three room ipartmenL modern.

S. Virginia St. FOlt KENT Five room furnished cot tage two months. Phone 1345-W. maltf FOR RENT ROOMS" FURNISHED steam heated rooms and board.

Phono 1340-M. 33 W. 6th 8t. altlm FOR RENT Furnished room, street. 140 West a22t7 ROOMS for rent.

356 East Street. a26t7 FOR RENT Itrge sunny front room. 221 West Street a28t7 FOR RENT Two large romfortiblv fur- nishpd bed room. Gentleman preferred. 634 y.

Second St. a28tf FOR 'EST Licht houstkeepin rOora. 32 S. Center St. Call after 0:30 P.

a29tf FL'liNlSHED moms for rent. Gentlemen preferred. J522 WFifth. FOr'reN'T Large front room to ono or two employed ladies. Close In, 116 Rork Sr.

tn1t3 HOARD AND ROOM FURNISHED steam heatpd rooms with board. Phone 1310-M. 33 W. 6th St. n.l4tlm TWO NiT'eLY furnished rooms with bo a .1 ve nson a'10t7 SEVINO MACHINES RENTING 1.50 monthly, repairing, latest White, Singer, New Home, lowest prices.

J. S. Elstner, 213 West Phone 1070. f6tf HKW1NO MACHINES CAR LOADS Rpntnls. $1.50 up; selling $2.00 monthly.

Supplies for nil makes. Expert repairing. Thone TC8. 242 N. Virginia St.

CHIROPODIST CORN'S HKAUiVKD without pain. Why suffer? Dr. XV. O. Edwards, Chiropodist 1290-J.

j20tf DR. RASMUCSE.V Chiropodist. 129 Vlrcinln 14r-Xr 414tf LOST AND FOUND FOUND The. best place to have your battery repaired. All kinds of batteries repaired and tested.

Free water and service. Nevada Storage Battery Com-rany. 21 East Plaza. Phone S9r. a3fttf LOST Pink cameo breast pin.

Return to 71 Keystone Ave. Reward, valued keppsake. mltj LOST -Ensliwh setter dog. one and half years olj, finder call Nick Lusich. Grand EDUCATION iHE INTERNATIONAL CORRKSPOMJ-ENCK SCHOOIS of Scranton.

have Covnty TJnnk Building. Representative winy refit dally from three to six P. 1 Vh 1n7S.W mtf SCAVENGERS tENO SCAVENGER WORKS COMPANY Cleaning of all kinds, rubbish riu'pd 1ave orders at 25 E. Second Pt. Phone CLAIRVOYANT CJTTEEN MAY Ordained Spiritual Medium lieadlngs dally.

f'none 1053-M. S52 Olprro BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE To young man only, the best paving proposition In Reno. All outside work and no limit to what von ran do. $1090 cash 'takes- it. ox 200.

a29t7 UOOK FIME HElL PROiD OF WALK DcWfJ WI4AY Er I VlOUtOMV TAE. VCA) OH A 6WGUAM 0CES3 AKW WAV FOR SALE REAL ESTATE (Continued) FOR SALE Half acre lots. 441 North Virginia. a20tf BUY NOW Property values increasing. 4 room cottage, close in, $2200.

a room furnished, $1250. rooms uniurmsiieu, 11 rooms, furnished, $7300. 11 rooms furnished, $5OU0. Several choice lots on the Southside. 147 MiU phone943-R.

a26tf FOR SALE One five, one seven room modern cottage, lnauire 357 Chestnut. a27t7 FOR SALE Two live room bungalows. Inquire 229 Stewart St. a28t7 FOR SALE 5S8 acres of land, 8 jniles fiom Reno; 200 acres under tence. with pumping well, wind mill, partly under small house, barn, farming machinery, price $io per acre or will sell the 200 acres under fence with improvements for $22.

P0 per acre. Property has access to open range, good soil and future prospect of irrigation from canal. Sample Com puny, 14 E. Second Street. a30t7 FOR SALE INCOME PROPERTY 14 room and 8 room house and 2 cabins, garage, all furnished, on two lots 110x60 and 50x52.

Price iSOOO. 5 room house, hard finish, furnished, lot ooxiyo. i'rrce 2 flats, one 6 rooms, one 5 rooms, 3 room cottage In rear furnished good location, close in. Price Other city real estate, at reasonable prices. 5 acre ranch, well improved, good house, well, fruit and berries.

Price $3500. 10 acre ranch, good house and barn up- to-date, within one half mile of city limits. Price $7500. Other good ranches close to Reno. J.

M. DULL 407 Clay Peters Blrtg. Phone 573 I HAVE all kinds of property for sale at bargain prices. CalP and see me, and talk it over. Henry A.

Hellwegen. Phone Main 11S0-J, 122 State Street. Reno, Nev. mlt7 I HAVE 18 lot3 in the St. George Addition will sell, as a whole, or each lot separate, well located.

Irtquire Henry A Hellwegen. Phone Main 12? State Street. Reno. alt" CITY REAL ESTATE J. O.

SESSIONS -teal Estate, Insurance and Rentals Room No. 148 Norttt Virginia St. Rann MoirBHn PhODA IS6 FOR SALE MISCEL. FOR SALE; Unregistered pure nred Durham bulls. John Mattley, Reno, Nevada, Phone 7F6.

6tf FOR SALE Second hand lumber, doors and windows. 635 Plumas Street. aCtm FOR SALE Three work horses; two wagons; chain harness. $250. Cash.

Want to buy auto truck. Box 74, Verdi, al9t2w FOR SALE OR LEASE 11 room apart ment house. Phone 464. a22tf BARGAINS IN USED TIRES All sizes and prices right. Come in and see.

Wood Sales 232 Sierra Street. a23tf FOR SALE 400 broilers, one pound and up, 65c each. Phone 1854-M or Call at 1060 S. Virginia, Mrs. J.

P. Johnson. a26t7 FOR SALE Player piano, new. Latest improved model. 121 East Sixth St.

a27t7 FOR SALE Thoroughbred black Minorca setting eggs. $1.50 per setting. Phone 1649-J. a27tf FOR SALE Goat, Toggenberg doe, yearling. Phone 1196-R or 535 Nevada.

a28t7 MUST SELL good piano used eight months. -Address P. O. Box 751. a2St7 FOR SALE 40 acre relinquishment government land, pumping proposition.

Ideal for a little lander. Chickens, bees and fruit, close to Reno. Gazette Box 21L a28t7 FOR SALE One Jersey Cow, one Heifer. fresh soon. 429 Sutro St.

a29t7 FOR SALE Piano in good condition, apply J546 Lake St. mlt? FOR SALE Good paying milk route, with or without thirteen cows. Box 305. mlt3 FOR SALE Three plate gas stove with oven. Telephone 1345-W.

al FLORISTS o'HRYSANTHEMTJMS. roses, violets, caraatloua, Xmas berries, baby roses and blooming plants are In season now. For qualny and service try the Reno rterlst. W. Seosnd at Phone 17.

nrf PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING We tune, repair and refinlah pianos; all work guaranteed. Menardl Music 216 N. Virginia St. Wn Phone Mfnn 1M9 dlttf PIANO TUNING buy, sell, exchange, iune, repair, rebuild, anything ruslcal. Factory experts, 25 years experience.

6th year In Reno. All work guaranteed. Out of town orders solicited. Piano ft Phonograph Shop. Phone CONTRACT OR DAY WOiLK TOR PAINTING.

Tinting and paper banging see H. R- Landis. 718 S. Center 1 mtf KODAK FINISHING KODAK DEVELOPING Printing and enlarging, at popular prices. Keno Studio.

11 K. Virginia St tsotf W. W. STILL STUDIO Kodak finishing and enlarging: good work: good service. 29 -W.

Second Reno. Nevada, jTH I LV4 It I UP LIKE THAT? MOVEMEMT COST OF CKfiUlG FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SAL13 Nice seven room up-to-date house on two lots. Furnace heat. Phone 1311-R. altlm FOR SAJjE Modern up-to-date bungalow, six rooms, furnace, garage, furnished or unfurnished.

South side. Owner P. O. Box 372. M26tml FOR SALE BY READ THE REAL ESTATE MAN Cattle ranches, farms, dairy and chicken ranches.

640 acres on the Carson River, best potato land In the state. 240 acres raised 850 tons alfalfa. 105 tons potatoes, 40 tons grain last year. This ranch with 150 cattle, 80 hogs, 26 horses, harness, all farm implements, ope of the best water rights on the River, $73,000. 1200 acres all fine land, 400, under cultivation.

Cuts 1000 tons of hay. Water right dates from 1S77. No rocks, all deep loom. 700 cattle, 15 horses, 50 hogs, hay, grain, potatoes, all farm implements, 160 Acres just outside of the City of Reno, with perpetual water right. Will soon sell for City lots.

67 acres In wheat, all fine land, this is the best bargain in Washoe County for 197 Acres of land at Wadsworth. Nevada. Fine water right, all vegetable land. 4 horses, 2 cows, harness and all farm implements, hay, $21,000. 160 Acres in Mason Valley, Nevada, Free water right, six horses, 3 cows, 100 chickens, all farm Implements, harness and small tools, good six room house, $20,000.

2S0 Acres of land, ten miles South of Keno, 45 Cattle, 7 horses, all farm implements, four acres in orchard, $16,500. CO Acres, 2 miles Southwest ol Reno, li Dairy cows, 6 horses, good house, barn and hay, all farm implements. A enap at $15,000. 80 Acres, miles East of Reno, free water, good improvements, $10,000. 1 can seil you from a one acre chicken ranch to a 12,000 acre cattle ranch, and I handle all kinds of City property.

I write Fire- and Automobile Insurance. JOHN T. READ Room 4 Herz Building Phone 760 a5tf PECK SAMPLE' COMPANY -Incorporated 14 East Sacond Street SOME BARGAIN SUGGESTIONS 7 room dwelling; South-side; hot water heating system; with Bungalow on rear; furnished. 70C0 7 room dwelling; northside, lot 125x200 feet; bearing fruit, shade trees, etc. S000 7 room dwelling; Southside; Close In; easy terms.

1500 7 room dwelling, West Second St. 3500 5 room cottage, West Second St. 2900 lr6 room dwelling. 1-4 room dwelling; furnished; close in; Northside. 1500 7 room dwelling; large lot; North side.

4000 Beautiful building site; lot 130 feet frontage: Newlarids Heights. 1 160 acres land; 16 miles North of Reno; partly cultivated; $12 per acre. aStf FOR SALE Houses, furnished and unfurnished. Inquire 229 Stewart St. alotm $9000 For 10 room furnished house, north side.

6700 For 7 room furnished house, north side. $0000 For 2 buildings, 2 flats in each. $5000 For 4 room bungalow, south side. $4750 For 5 room cottage, furnished, north side. $4230-For 5 room cottage, north side.

$4000 For 7 room house, close in. sanno For room cottage, north side. $3250 For 5 room cottage, furnished, south side. $21,000 80 aere ranch. 6 miles from Reno all under cultivation, paid up water right.

10 Milk cows, 7 calves, pigs and chickens, and plenty of farm implements. $10.500 80 acre ranch, five miles from Reno, 60 acres cultivated, plenty of water and farm implements, some stock. ERG EN WEBSTER 138 North Center Street Real Estate Phone 696 Insurance atetf Office Phone 546 Residence Phone 14S8-J 150 N. Virginia Ht. jooOn 10 room house, northside.

$60002 tiouses; 16 rooms. East side. $5250 9 room house In three apartments, North side. $4000 8 room house. East side.

$1600 4 room house, furnished, South- side. 5 room furnished, Southside. $5500 5 room furnished, Southside. Fine building lota. South side.

a21tf FOR SALE Four room modern bungalow nearly new, some furniture. Fine location. $1500 down balance of $2000 less than rent Phone 849. Call 127 St. Lawrence Ave.

a23tf ONE LARGE building lot. 100x100. near California Avenue, in best residence district. A good buv for any one wishing to build. Call at 407 Clay Peters Bidg.

Phone 573. a24fw W.f' POULTRY EGGS FOR SETTING Standard bred 3. v. itnoae isiana Keas, ja.50. S.

C. white leghorns, J1.50, for fifteen. H. W. Young, 620 Vf, 7th St Phone 1U22-W.

I9tf MIU'IM IUU-tu-u XX: woi tiiiuo Liegnorns, naicmng many thousand each week. Also Brown and Bugg Leghorns, Anconas, Minor-cas, Wyandottes, Orpingtons, Barred Hocks, It. 1. Keda, Write for folder. B.

W. ARCHIBALD. Soquel. Santa Cruz Calif. i26tf a.

TIfl. i BABY CHIX Prompt delivery or cnolue biuck. 01 nmmo isiana Keas, I'lymoutn Rocks, Anconas per hundred Mlnorcas White Leghorns $19.00. I pay express charges and guarantee safe arrival and satisfaction. E.

S. Heward, Box 582, Beno. Phone in -ci PETAL! JM A WHITE I.WlHnRMS me world in egg production. We sell BABY CHIX at Jl3.50,per 100 during May and June. Safe arrival of full count.

Strong, live chlx, guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 446 Sixth Htrat. Petaluma. Calif.

ml2tf HATCHING EGGS Black Minorcas. neavy layers or nig white egs. Large beautiful birds. None setters. Phone 629 mornings.

979-W eveninjs. ml6m2 FOR SALE- Five week old roosters by the dozen, Shipped anywhere. E. S. Heward.

Bex 5S2. m31tf BABY CHICKS Hogantzed White Leg- norns, uarrea kooks, white Wyendotte and Reds. Oroville Hatchery, Oroville. Cal 1 f. a6 tl BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Chicks from S.

C. AVhlte Leghorns htns, the worlds' greatest layers. Eggs from free ranse. Hoganis'ed stock only. March chicks, $14.00 per 100: April, May and June, $12.50 per 100.

Oak Hill Hatchery, retahima. Calif. AUTOMOBILES USED AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE 1 Studebaker Six A. First class snape. seven passenger.

One Hudson, seven passenger, good shape, new top. I Hud-Eon five passenger, good shape, cheap. 1 Studebaker three quarter ton truck. 1 Studebaker four, seven passenger first class shaps. We sell on time payments.

Our policy "You must be Satisfied." Stelnheimer Fourth at Sierra, I al Otm 1 FOR SALE Five passenger Bu'ek Touring car in first class mechanical condition. Good rubber, at a bargain. 123 Chestnut St. a24t7 MAXWELL roadster. Good running condition.

$150.00. Inquire 6S3 Nevada a ter five. a26t7 FOR SALE Newly painted Studebaker. fully equipped: five new tires. Applv Joe Mawer.

Grand Cafe. AUTOS FOR SALE Scripps Booth Coupe run only 400 miles or Buick Roadster run 900 miles; both fully C. F. Burton, Reno National Bank Blder Phone 170. a29t7 FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring car.

Price S2H0.00 for quick sale. Phone 83 or 902-J after 5 P. a30t3 MISCELLANEOUS DILLS EXPRESS Quick service. Phone 804. J12tf LEARN actual auto repair, vulcanizing.

Los Angeles Y. M. C. A. Auto School.

al Urn ALL KINDS of lHoks wanted' for cash. TTnusual bargains books at the Bookshop, 310 N. Virginia Phone 1527-J. i a21t7 STORAGE fl.nd rold storage space for rent. Nevada Supply Rainier Plant Phone16.

a26tlm K'PITMPING system installed. Let us figure on your r.eeds. F. C. Savage.

21 Douglas Alley. a2Stf FALLON OIL STOCKS We have limited nmount for ouick sale In proven fields. Gazette Box 301. a29t7 EXPERIENCED Teacher at piano wants few pupils for summer months. Satisfactory progress assured, Call 102-M.

mltl FURNITURE REPAIRING WALD MoOAFFERTY. successors to Mr. Sandberg. Furniture repairing, remodeling and finishing. Mattresses mndft nvr.

Phnnft nEtf RENO NURSERY LEADING varieties of fruit, shade and ornamental trees, also monthly roses and climbing; vines. 62!" m1tf FOR SALE MACHINERY FOR SALE CHEAP Big Star Drilling outtit. No. 22, complete with tools, also rotary for turning four twelve inch rssing; one heavy steam pump and jetting outfit. All in Smith Valley and In good condition.

Call or address Nat Kurd, Simpson. Nevada. NOTICE VOTICB 18 HEREBY GTVEN that tnr win not be responsible fot any, debta, bin or accounts unless they ara personally contracted for by the undersigned Dated this tnth day of OfitAbAr. TT vnxtnr. DRESSMAKING SiRESSMAKTNG and alterations, plain SECOND HAND OOODS bought, sold or exchanged 230 bwtti hi piorra u-nuara Co.

Fnonr MATERNITY HOME MATERNITY home. 632 Chestnut 598. al7tlra i JOSEPH W. HALL Real Estat F're Insurance 1G8 N. Virginia St.

$75,000 Reno business block, 3 stories. brick. ono 1 fivi roomed flats. $15,000 Apartment house, steam "heat. $10.000 Sparks business block.

$S4H) 7 ''vlvnod floors: also two furnished apartments, modern. rooms completely furnished. $4600 5 --vh-i, garage, lawn, near University. $3500 6 rooms, 3 lots, southweSt $3000 6 rooms, brick, modern. $29006 whed; 3 rooms fur nished, close In.

$2500 5 rooms, new, modern, north east. am BROKERS Hlah Class Securities and OH Investments New Issues taken only 211 CLAY PETERS BUILDING TELEPHONE MO.

Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.