X Roman Numerals | How to Write X in Numbers? (2024)

X Roman Numerals can bewritten as numbers by combining the transformed roman numerals i.e. X = 10. The higher roman numerals precede the lower numerals resulting in the correct translation of X Roman Numerals. In this article, we will explain how to convert X Roman numerals in the correct number translation.

X Roman Numeral Is Written As10

X Roman Numerals | How to Write X in Numbers? (1)

How to Write X Roman Numerals?

The numerical value of X Roman Numerals can be obtained by using the given below:

In this method, we break the roman numerals into single letters, write the numerical value of each letter and add/subtract them. In the case of number 10, there is no such addition or subtraction takes place. Hence, 10 in roman numerals is X. In other terms, the numerical value of X roman numerals is 10.

Also Check: Roman Numerals Calculator

What are the Basic Rules to Write Roman Numerals?

  • When a bigger letter precedes a smaller letter, the letters are added. For example: CL, C > L, so CL = C + L = 100 + 50 = 150
  • When a smaller letter precedes a bigger letter, the letters are subtracted. For example: XC, X < C, so XC = C - X = 100 - 10 = 90
  • When a letter is repeated 2 or 3 times, they get added. For example: II = I + I = 1 + 1 = 2
  • The same letter cannot be used more than three times in succession.

Numbers Related to X Roman Numerals

Roman numerals were used in ancient Rome and utilized combinations of letters using the Latin alphabets I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. It may seem different than numbers, but they are similar. For example, X Roman numerals are equivalent to the number 10. The roman numerals related to X are given below:

  • X = 10
  • XI = 10 + 1 = 11
  • XII = 10 + 2 = 12
  • XIII = 10 + 3 = 13
  • XIV = 10 + 4 = 14
  • XV = 10 + 5 = 15
  • XVI = 10 + 6 = 16
  • XVII = 10 + 7 = 17
  • XVIII = 10 + 8 = 18
  • XIX = 10 + 9 = 19
  1. Example 1: Find the Sum of MDCXXXVII and X Roman Numerals.


    MDCXXXVII = 1000 + 600 + 30 + 7 = 1637 and X = 10
    Now, MDCXXXVII + X = 1637 + 10 = 1647
    Since, MDCXLVII = 1000 + 600 + 40 + 7 = 1647
    Therefore, the sum of MDCXXXVII and X roman numerals is MDCXLVII

  2. Example 2: Find the Difference Between X and IX.


    Roman Numeral X is equal to 10 and IX is 9.
    Now, X - IX = 10 - 9 = 1
    Since, 1 = I
    Therefore, X - IX = I

  3. Example 3: Find the Product of Roman Numerals X and CCCL.


    X = 10 and CCCL = 300 + 50 = 350
    Now, X × CCCL = 10 × 350 = 3500
    Since, MMMD = 3000 + 500 = 3500
    Therefore, X × CCCL = MMMD

  4. Example 4: Find the Quotientwhen X roman numeral is divided by V roman numeral.


    The roman numeral X is 10 and V is 5.
    Now, when we divide X by V i.e. 10 ÷ 5, the quotient is 2.
    Since, 2 = II
    Therefore, X ÷ V = II

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X Roman Numerals | How to Write X in Numbers? (2)

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FAQs on X Roman Numerals

What is the Value of the X Roman Numerals?

We will write X Roman numerals asX = 10. Hence, the value of Roman Numerals X is 10.

How to Convert X Roman Numerals to Arabic Number?

To convert anyRoman Numerals to numbers, the conversion involves breaking the Roman numerals on the basis of place values (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands). For number 10 there is no such conversion required. It is denoted with the letter X.

What Should be Added to Roman Numerals X to Get MMCCCXCVI?

First, we will write MMCCCXCVI and X in numbers, i.e. X = 10 and MMCCCXCVI = 2396. Now, 2396 - 10 = 2386. And, 2386 = MMCCCLXXXVI. Therefore, MMCCCLXXXVI should be added to 10 roman numerals to get MMCCCXCVI.

Why is 10 Written in Roman Numerals as X?

We know that in roman numerals, we write 10 as X. Therefore, 10 in roman numerals is written as X = 10.

What is the Quotient when X is Divided by II?

X = 10 and II = 2 in numbers. On dividing 10 by 2, it gives the quotientof 5. Now, 5 in roman numerals is written as V.

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X Roman Numerals | How to Write X in Numbers? (2024)
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